If you are a Referrer or someone who would like to be referred, ring 0208 980 7778 for more details and download our referral form.

Most surgeries and clinics in Tower Hamlets and Hackney refer their patients to us on a regular basis because they understand the value of exercise for people with disabilities and long-term health conditions and they trust Ability Bow to support their patients safely and effectively.

We welcome referrals from:

  • GPs
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Other health professionals

New referrals are acknowledged within 5 working days by a phone call or letter to the patient.

We advise each person of the wait time and talk to them about their expectations and any concerns they have. Wait times may vary.

We evaluate the benefit of the service on each person using a simple, subjective questionnaire based on the Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) with results recorded at the start of the programme and after 10 sessions.